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Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The sunfish family refers to
crappies, largemouth and
smallmouth bass, rock bass and
some other fish that are not
called sunfish. This section

will focus on the sunfish that are members of the genus
Lepomis. These are true sunfish. The most popular
sunfish of this genus include bluegill, pumpkinseed,
redear, redbreast, warmouth, green and longear
sunfish. Sunfish are often called bream in the south.

Sunfish are the fish that most young anglers catch
while learning the sport of fishing. These small fish
hang out near the shorelines, are eager to bite, and
provide constant action for a young angler. Most fish
are around 4 to 6 inches so fishermen can use light,
inexpensive tackle when fishing for sunfish. Some
bigger sunfish in the 2 pound range have been caught
with some bluegills over 4 pounds.

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