The Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and the Redear Sunfish (Lepomis
microlophus) comprise probably the two most sought after fish of the true
sunfishes. Although it is true that black bass are sunfish, for the sake of
argument, we will be focusing on the genus Lepomis, or the true sunfish.
The entire sunfish family is comprised of three groups, the black bass, the
true sunfish, and the crappies. Since the rest of the true sunfish that are of
interest to anglers (rock bass, flier, and warmouth) have their own pages,
we will focus just on the bluegills and redears here.
When people talk about bluegills and redears, most are talking about
fishing for them in April and May and sometimes even into June. The
spawning season. Although bluegills will spawn several times a year, the
main focus is for catching them off the beds in shallow water areas near
some kind of vegetation.
Another time people go after bluegills is through the ice in winter. It isn't
too hard to catch a nice mess of these tasty little fish, and that is probably
why they are so popular among most anglers.
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